Escaping the Evaluation Trap

Michael McCafferty, FEI Senior Account Manager

Every year, managers sit down and review the annual performance of employees. But are these one-on-one evaluations offering the best outlet for development and growth?

As organizations reflect on ways to maximize the efficacy of regular feedback, providing value for managers and employees alike, a re-examination of annual review processes is inevitable, if not long overdue.

The Many Ways of Crisis Self-Care

Marcia O’Boyle, FEI EAP Services Center Manager

Crisis situations can be stressful, exhausting and traumatic. If we aren’t mindful, the experiences of working in or around crisis management can easily overwhelm.

The act of self-care can be the key to maintaining health and wellness after a crisis event. There’s no “right” method to practicing self-care, of course, and different people approach caring for themselves in very different ways.

Does a Leader’s Character Matter?

Randall Kratz, FEI Senior Account Manager

Character: It’s a word we hear often, especially in recent months, but what does it mean? And how does it relate to leadership?

With a firm understanding of character throughout the years—over centuries, even—we’re able to translate the importance of strong character traits for the workplace, for management and
for ourselves.

The Human Dimension of Disaster Support

Amber Meulendyke, Marketing and Public Relations Manager

Organizations that have experienced tragedy sometimes struggle to assist victims and families when the need is greatest, yet recognizing the human dimension of disaster support is a crucial part of any crisis response.

In order to help businesses maintain operations while caring for victims, FEI utilizes a
network of trauma specialists who provide necessary support for the human dimension of mass casualty events.

The Gift of Performance Feedback

Ken Dolan-Del Vecchio, President, GreenGate Leadership

Guest author Ken Dolan-Del Vecchio offers guidance when it comes to the sometimes-uncomfortable task of giving performance feedback. Neglecting timely performance feedback can perpetuate problems, weaken team morale and damage reputations. However, if employees feel respected and valued, then they will accept feedback as a gift that’s intended to help them succeed in their work.

24-Hour FOMO

Ralph Metzner, FEI Director of Product Management

The fear of missing out—popularly trending as #FOMO—is a growing anxiety in our digitally-enable social culture. FOMO isn’t new, however; it’s built on a common desire to fit in and belong that has been amplified by the 24-hour connectivity of apps, smartphones and social networks.

When a crisis occurs, FOMO kicks into high gear: We can’t stop watching the news or checking for status updates because we’re afraid of what we might miss.

What’s Your Metaphor?

Gary Skaleski, FEI EAP Counselor

The use of metaphor to make a point or advance an idea is a frequent communication tool. Applying metaphor during counseling often reframes an individual’s problems and provides inventive solutions to change.

Businesses use metaphors, too, and analyzing how they describe organizational
philosophies, goals and culture can assist managers in directing teams within the context of workplace expectations.

Beat the Heat: Keeping Cool This Summer

Katie Moser, FEI Network Operations Specialist

Summer can mean backyard cookouts, beach vacations and outdoor office parties, but it can also mean soaring temperatures and record-breaking heat.

Hundreds of people die every year from heat-related illnesses. Whether at work or at home, knowing the signs and symptoms of heat stress, as well as taking preventative measures to keep cool and hydrated, will help you make the most of the hot summer months.

A Productive Diet: Healthy Choices in the Workplace

Julie Sharp, FEI Account Manager

While the conversation waxes and wanes as trends cycle through, the U.S. health crisis remains a potent threat for millions of Americans. However, a growing movement is capitalizing on simple changes to combat health risks daily: The mindful diet.

Employers can help employees maintain healthier living and high productivity by ensuring wellness programs and workplace food choices reflect a culture of support, a strategy of intent and a participatory vision of well-being.

Challenging Our Behaviors: The Role of Implicit Bias

Terri Howard, FEI Senior Director

Based on a subconscious understanding of other people built from our own experiences, relationships and upbringing, implicit bias drives our behaviors more often than we think and can, at times, influence our everyday interactions.

Bias is human, but it can also be changed. There are several actions we can take to ensure our biases do not negatively impact our behaviors.

Supporting Remote Employees: A Management How-To

Freya Cooper, FEI Account Manager

Off-site employees are a thriving demographic, and the benefits of a remote workforce—from cost savings to increased productivity—are growing in recognition. But remote work can pose challenges in a culture that remains largely in-person and on-site.

Taking the time to implement simple workplace support strategies will go a long way toward bridging the gap between companies, management and remote employees.

Learning from Failure: A Lesson in Effective Drills and Exercises

Carol Hill, FEI Operations Specialist, Crisis Management

Failure often paves the way to success. By identifying points of failure through drills and exercises, emergency response teams can reinforce crisis management plans while also strengthening their troubleshooting and response skills.