Medical Emergencies at Work: What Do You Do?

Marcia O’Boyle, FEI EAP Services Center Manager

Workplace medical emergencies can quickly overwhelm, especially when a friend or co-worker suddenly becomes ill.

Calling 911 is a good first step, but approaching workplace emergencies takes careful consideration, coordination and planning. Ask the right questions and establish your organization’s policies and procedures before an emergency situation develops.

The Return to Work: Managing Life After Baby

Amber Meulendyke, Marketing and Public Relations Manager

Becoming a parent changes your life forever, but it also changes your approach to work-life balance. Working parents—and first-time parents especially—have extra considerations they must take into account when transitioning back to work. Employers can offer additional support through inclusive workplace practices and an EAP benefit.

De-Stigmatizing Mental Illness with Relationships and Respect

Raquelle Solon, FEI Business Solutions Engineer

Though major gains have been made in the de-stigmatization of mental health issues, the connection between mental illness and violent activity is once again at the forefront of national conversation. But what are we doing about it?

Perpetrators of violence are often found to have felt disrespected, bullied and alone. Through healthy relationships and mutual respect, our environments—workplace or otherwise—can blossom into cultures of dignity and kindness.

168 Hours: Lessons in Time Management

Michael McCafferty, FEI Senior Account Manager

Multitasking, interruptions, the need to check everything from emails to text messages—distractions that monopolize our time abound. It’s easy to let calendars control our lives both at work and at home, but better managing our attention, activities and expectations helps prioritize what’s important and instill a greater sense of balance.

Disaster Recovery and the Kindness of Social Relationships

Randall Kratz, FEI Senior Account Manager

Compassion, kindness and our capacity to help others during times of crisis comprise the core of successful disaster recovery. Unique to human beings is how our brains have evolved to prioritize social relationships and, during critical incidents, provide psychological first aid.

The more connections we have and the stronger our bonds, the more likely we are to thrive both physically and emotionally before, during and after a crisis event.

Manager Vs. Coach: A Key to Effective Relationships

Gary Skaleski, FEI EAP Counselor

Discussions of effective workplace management strategies often revolve around the topic of mutual respect. Central to these conversations is the idea of “manager versus coach” – or control versus empowerment. Knowing when to manage and when to coach results in a healthier work environment for everyone.

Avoiding Common Workplace Injuries

Katie Moser, FEI Network Operations Specialist

Almost three million workplace injuries and illnesses were reported by private industry employers in 2016. Expand to all employer types and the number only grows.

Fortunately, most common workplace injuries can be mitigated or eliminated entirely with a little awareness and help from the organization. From falls to vision problems, we’ve compiled tips to reduce workplace injuries and keep employees safe.

The Value of Baby Boomers in the Workforce

Janice Lieber, FEI EAP Counselor

As intergenerational workforces continue to evolve and grow, employers seek innovation in the skill sets of different demographics. Baby boomers specifically offer a vast wealth of knowledge and expertise organizations are eager to tap, leading to a re-examination of ongoing employment and the idea of retirement.

The Difference Between Speaking Freely and Freely Speaking

Ralph Metzner, FEI Director of Product Management

The First Amendment right to freedom of speech balances an ethical regard for truth and basic civility. As the limits of free speech are continuously tested in contemporary discourse, personal choices will determine whether freedom of expression thrives or devolves.

Navigating speech and self-expression in the workplace too can be difficult. With the right training, organizations will successfully uphold civility while maintaining ongoing and
fruitful operations.

The Opioid Epidemic: How Is It Affecting Your Workplace?

Julie Sharp, FEI Account Manager

Declared a public health emergency in 2017, the opioid crisis continues to have a substantial nationwide impact on employers and their workforces. Now is the time to bring organizational drug policies up-to-date and coordinate with an EAP to address the effects of opioid abuse on your workplace.

For the Good of the Group: Neighborhood Safety Tips

Terri Howard, FEI Senior Director

According to the National Neighborhood Watch, a neighborhood watch program “teaches citizens how to help themselves by identifying and reporting suspicious activity in their neighborhoods.”

Employees don’t want to worry about home security while at work. Knowing they can rely on trusted neighbors to maintain awareness, as well as take precautions to protect their own homes, helps assuage concerns of break-ins or other home crises.

4 Simple Strategies for Creating a Culture of Respect

Freya Cooper, FEI Account Manager

Following the #MeToo movement, sexual harassment and its perpetrators are facing a stark reckoning. Workplaces nationwide must now re-evaluate harassment policies and procedures for effectiveness. To assist, we outline four strategies to bolster company culture and ensure employees feel safe, respected and appreciated.