Civility at Work: When Politics Collide

(Written by Vivian Marinelli, Psy.D., FEI Senior Director Crisis Management Services)

Community outrage and civil unrest is increasing throughout the U.S., and a contentious presidential race is adding to the discord. Whether directly involved or not, organizations and their employees feel the impact of community challenges. Sometimes those challenges spill over into the workplace.

Maintaining civility at work is one of management’s many responsibilities. Using techniques characterized by open dialogue, mutual respect and community awareness can assist with de-escalating workplace confrontations and conflict.

Reframing Employee Assistance Programs to Boost Utilization

(Written by Amy Haft, FEI Senior Account Manager)

Conversations about behavioral health issues at work are on the rise and a growing Millennial workforce values health and wellness programs, yet employee assistance program (EAP) utilization is continually low. Why is this, and can it be overcome?

Reframing EAP might be part of the answer. FEI is taking topics hindered by stigma and lack of awareness and exploring them in a positive way that emphasizes emotional fitness and social well-being.

Strong but Human: Four Qualities for Crisis Leadership

(Written by Marcia O’Boyle, FEI EAP Services Center Manager)

When an event like September 11, 2001 happens, a certain type of leadership is called upon to offset the inevitable trauma felt by both a city and its country. Rudy Giuliani, mayor of New York City during 9/11, was tasked with immediate action to fill such a role.

I look at four distinct traits Giuliani pinpoints as integral to leadership during any crisis, whether it’s an attack on a major metropolis or within the walls of the workplace.

Solution-Focused Management: A Real-World Illustration

(Written by Fred Fuges, FEI Account Manager)

It’s easy to focus on the negatives of a situation, blaming oneself or others in a misguided attempt to find solutions. More difficult is taking the time to reframe challenges so that solutions can evolve from one’s successes, viewing mistakes and problems as opportunities for improvement.

Using the internal dynamics and management style of a fictional hospital trauma team, I explore McKergow and Jackson’s S.I.M.P.L.E approach to reimagine management practices in a constructive capacity.

Protecting Yourself During a Riot

(Written by Katie Moser, FEI Network Operations Specialist)

As active protesting has seen a resurgence in recent years, so too has the risk of riot. The reasons for rioting can vary, ranging from political unrest to the outcome of a hockey game, but the dangers are the same across the board. Knowing what to do if caught in a riot—including the practice of situational awareness—can protect you and others from undue harm.

Workplace Civility or Civil Rights: Why Not Both?

(Written by Michael McCafferty, FEI Senior Account Manager)

Discussing politics can present major challenges, even with close friends and family. These challenges are heightened in the workplace, where conflicting political opinions potentially lead to hostility, aggression or inappropriate behaviors.

Walking the line between free speech and proper workplace etiquette can be tricky, and is especially so during the current election cycle. Practicing mindfulness and respect in politically-charged situations at work and with coworkers could avoid the pitfalls of ideological discourse while maintaining the organization’s well-being.

Securing Multiple Staff in Critical Knowledge Roles

(Written by James Pettigrew, FEI Program and Project Manager)

It’s easy to take positions of knowledge for granted in the workplace. So-and-so has been doing their job for 25 years, after all, so why bother training others in the role? But what if that individual—the one person with the knowledge necessary to competently assist during a crisis—is unavailable? What do you do?

Training multiple staff to occupy different roles in a crisis is key to managing an event. Dispersing knowledge throughout the workforce will foster a stronger response as well as invigorate your whole organization.

Effective Management: De-escalation in a Hostile Workplace

(Written by Jon Buchler, FEI EAP Counselor)

In part two of a two-part blog, we detail the action steps an organization must take to assist both its Muslim and non-Muslim employees in a hostile work environment. Working with human resources, the organization determines the best approach to smoothing over perceived threats and de-escalating stereotypes alongside its EAP provider. The process results in improved well-being and resiliency throughout the organization.

Effective Management: Environments of Ignorance and Fear

(Written by Jon Buchler, FEI EAP Counselor)

In part one of a two-part blog, we examine the rising tensions in a workspace as a minority of employees are perceived to receive special treatment by their peers. This minority, identifying as Muslim, are the target of discrimination as world events fuel stereotypes and aggression in coworkers. Management staff must navigate the intricacies of civil rights while also maintaining well-being throughout the organization.

Seeking Help for Law Enforcement and Their Families

(Written by Aimee Hoffmann, FEI EAP Counselor)

As tensions rise between police and the communities they protect, it can be easy to forget the challenges inherent in the profession of law enforcement. Multiple studies and organizations dedicate themselves to detailing the potential outcomes of law enforcement practice, from the effects of PTSD to officer suicide.

Officer families and the situations they face are often overlooked as well, but their stressors are no less impactful. Domestic violence is also more prevalent in law enforcement families than in the general population.

We detail some of the resources available to help both law enforcement officers and their families, including EAP.

Knowing Your EAP Benefit

(Written by Gary Skaleski, FEI EAP Counselor)

A company’s employee assistance program (EAP) benefit is an important one, offering unique services to staff in need. Yet, sometimes the specifics of the benefit—what it’s for, what it can do for employees, what it can’t do for employees—are not clearly conveyed.

It’s the responsibility of managers to communicate with human resources on the current nature of the benefit. Did the company switch EAP providers? Do they offer legal or financial services? What about Work-Life? We provide a detailed overview of what EAP generally looks like and encourage periodic review of your company’s own program.

The Human Side of Cyber-Attacks

(Written by Ralph Metzner, FEI Director of Product Management)

The recent, high-profile hacking of political databases and presidential candidates has focused conversation once again on the broadening threat of cyber-attacks. While organizations tend to think of cyber-attacks in terms of information infrastructure, they sometimes ignore a crucial aspect: the human consequences of these attacks on employees.