Opiate Addiction: “That will never happen to me or my family.”

(Written by Aimee Hoffmann, FEI EAP Counselor)

Prescription painkillers and heroin make local and national news on a regular basis. While some may believe this will never happen to someone they know, it is impacting individuals in record numbers—even in the workplace.

Navigating Problematic Team Dynamics (Part Two)

(Written by Jon Buchler, FEI EAP Counselor)

Sharon considers her options for addressing the sales associates’ grievance that they find coworker Candice to be brusque, rude and unprofessional in her relationship with them. Sharon doesn't want Candice to feel under attack, but she also can't ignore the problem. Thinking through the process of how best to handle the situation leads to a clear action plan.

Navigating Problematic Team Dynamics (Part One)

(Written by Jon Buchler, FEI EAP Counselor)

Sharon has been working 12 years for XYZ Distributors, which sells office equipment and supplies to companies throughout the United States. For the past seven years, she has managed an inside sales group of ten employees.

Sharon's direct supervisor has since been replaced by Bill. Bill used to work for a competitor and, in light of a recent vacancy at XYZ, champions the hire of former co-worker Candice. Despite Candice's strong work performance, her interactions with Sharon's team has led to problems within the workgroup.

Sharon is now faced with a problem: how best to address the issues between her team and Candice.

A Nationwide Crisis: U.S. Life Expectancy Lower Than Comparable Countries

(Written by Ralph Metzner, FEI Director of Product Management)

A recent study shows Americans have life expectancies 2.2 years shorter than those in the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and other European countries. That statistic alone would give pause, but even more troubling are the causes of death identified as contributing to the lower life expectancy: drugs, guns and motor vehicles. Being situationally aware and increasingly resilient are becoming more important than ever before.

The ACE Study: Managing in the Kinder, Gentler Workplace

(Written by Julie Sharp, FEI Account Manager)

In 1998, Kaiser Permanente and the CDC collaborated on a groundbreaking research study with implications for every sector of society, including the workplace. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study linked childhood trauma to a higher risk of chronic disease, social and emotional problems, depression, suicidality, and violence (both as a perpetrator and a victim).

The question is: how might ACEs show up at work?

Always Learning: Meet Raquelle

(Written by Raquelle Solon, FEI Business Solutions Engineer)

My name is Raquelle and I’m thrilled to join FEI. After spending 15 years working in crisis management and violence prevention, along with being a human resource manager and security executive, I thought I had a pretty good handle on understanding and responding to behavior. Yet there was so much more to learn, and I'd like to share some of my experiences from my first six months working with FEI’s crisis management and EAP teams.

Financial Stress and Work Productivity

(Written by Freya Cooper, FEI Account Manager)

Why should an employee’s financial stress be important to employers? Almost two-thirds of Americans report having financial problems, and 61 percent of HR professionals have described employees’ financial health as no better than fair.

More employees than ever before are indicating an interest in gaining advice and guidance from their employers for financial problems. Employees want your help!

The Summer Camp Mindset

(Written by Carol Hill, FEI Crisis Management Associate)

Did you ever go to summer camp when you were younger? You may remember how you soaked in all the details, but forgot the experience a few months later when daily activities shifted your focus and mindset.

The same shift in focus can occur with crisis management. After wrapping up drills and exercises, how can you maintain a crisis-centric mindset?

Multitasking: Can You Really Get More Done?

(Written by Nancy Vogt, FEI Account Manager)

If you’re an avid multitasker navigating between tasks even as you read this, you might want stop for a minute. While you may think you’re really good at multitasking, there is mounting scientific evidence that multitasking not only makes you less effective, but could possibly make you depressed.