Norovirus Outbreaks and Vacation: An Undesirable Combination

As the holidays wrap up and a new year begins, many will look at January to March as an optimal window for a vacation. However, the highly contagious norovirus can usurp a relaxing cruise or hotel stay as it spreads from person to person.

Understand what you can do both as an individual and as an organization to manage the fallout of a norovirus outbreak this vacation season.

Helping Employees Cope After a Natural Disaster

With wildfires and hurricanes ravaging communities, it’s essential that managers understand the stress a natural disaster can cause in an employee’s life. From granting extra time off to connecting employees with valuable benefits, workplace leaders have an opportunity to fulfill a supportive role during these tumultuous and life-changing events.

Addressing Domestic Violence in the Workplace

Domestic violence is not just a domestic issue, it’s a workplace issue. Also known as intimate partner violence, domestic violence affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men—an alarming statistic of clear importance to employers and their workforces.

There are several guidelines managers can follow when addressing potential domestic violence among employees including recognizing signs of abuse, keeping information confidential and utilizing an EAP benefit.

Spontaneous Combustion: A Signal for Better Preparation

As much as we prepare for crises, we inevitably encounter unexpected situations. FEI President and CEO Ted Uczen relates his daughter’s recent experience with a problematic load of laundry to illustrate the importance of having and understanding a crisis plan—and why exercising such plans helps businesses adapt to the unexpected.

Prepping Your Stress-Free Holiday Agenda

Whether securing time off from work or scheduling flights for a family of five, planning for the holidays can be stressful. Get ahead of the end-of-year anxiety by prepping for those necessary to-dos. Still feeling overwhelmed? Contact your company’s EAP or Work-Life benefit for additional support options.

Tips for Combating Employee Burnout

Burnout. It’s a familiar term used to signify when one’s career responsibilities overwhelm, leading to prolonged stress and the exhaustion of physical or emotional strength. Combating employee burnout relies on management’s ability to mitigate undue frustration by providing ample outlets for relief such as time off, mentoring or the use of an EAP benefit.

What’s on Your Mind? Mindset During Tragedy

Daniel J. Potterton, FEI Chief Operating Officer

Your mindset can help you in times of tragedy. While we often lean into feelings of unhappiness and despair after a tragic event, it is a reasonable understanding of the reality around us – and accepting the things we cannot change – that will lead to hope, purpose and resilience.

Tips for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Heather Lukaszewski, Systems Administrator and Supervisor

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. In the wake of big-name data breaches, including some of the most popular social media and search engine sites on the web, protecting personal information has become extremely significant.

Although maintaining vigilance in the digital age is difficult, there are simple everyday practices you can adopt that will keep your data safe, secure and out of the hands of bad actors.

Be Vulnerable

Amy Haft, FEI Senior Account Manager

Managers and supervisors often shy away from appearing vulnerable in front of their teams because vulnerability carries preconceptions of weakness or uncertainty. Yet vulnerability allows individuals to take risks in genuine ways that, when engaged, can lead to innovation, creativity and personal and professional growth.

Preparedness Planning: Reunification and Assistance

Michael Bugenhagen, FEI Business Development Manager

From a sense of privacy to adequate restroom facilities, providing space for reunification and assistance in the wake of a crisis event takes careful consideration and planning. Prepare your reunification and assistance efforts beforehand by assessing safe location criteria like size and access while also formalizing the organization’s relationship with first responders and the media.

Workplace Gossip: Employee Problem or Manager Issue?

Ryan Atherton, FEI Account Manager

Gossip in the workplace is, for better or worse, an inescapable reality. Often the result of poor communication, gossip leads to speculation and a sense of confusion, anxiety or fear. It’s not just an employee problem, either; managers too are guilty of contributing to workplace gossip.

Managers and supervisors can relieve the negative aspects of gossip by being cognizant of their words and actions, communicating with employees in ways that are both clear and intentional.

Airport Aggression: A Real-World Mandt System Story

You can never know when and where a violent situation might occur. Even with the increased airport security of a post-9/11 world, conflict still erupts at a moment’s notice. Whether at work or on the road, understanding the techniques of The Mandt System® training and practicing situational awareness can help de-escalate potentially volatile situations.