Three Reminders During an Active Shooter (Beyond Run, Hide, Fight)

Is your organization prepared for a potential active shooter event? Training can help your workforce take the necessary precautions to remain safe.

Care for the Caregiver: We Need More in Schools

The threat of violence can remain a constant in the minds of teachers and school personnel. Let’s make sure these “caregivers” have what they need to be successful before, during and after a crisis.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Make Season’s Greetings Depressing

If you feel more down than festive this holiday season, you could be suffering from a form of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. In this blog, we discuss the symptoms of SAD and provide many tips to help you feel better.

What is Memory Care?

Helping a loved one with dementia can become a daunting challenge. Your Employee Assistance Program or Work-Life Benefit can help you find the answers you need.

Situational Awareness During the Holiday Season

Many criminals choose their victims because they’re perceived as easy targets. To avoid becoming a statistic this holiday season, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings—and take precautions to increase your safety.

Securing Your Mobile Devices

Mobile devices hold our email, contacts, schedule, private conversations, passwords and even our credit cards. Do you know how to protect your devices and the information they store?

Gearing Up for Success with Organizational Development

For organizations to be successful, they must be able to move forward and evolve. At the same time, they need to flexible so they can adapt to today’s ever-changing business environment.


Rethinking Ageism

It’s not just older workers who face ageism. An inclusive workplace must also be welcoming to younger people—and provide equal opportunities for employees in every age group.

Is Your Employee Assistance Program Missing This Important Benefit?

Today, many EAPs lack account management, which leads organizations to miss out on the value of manager consultation. FEI takes account management one step further by also supporting organizational development goals.

When is Hazing a Form of Workplace Violence?

Hazing may seem like harmless fun—from the perpetrator’s perspective. But when a victim feels harassed, threatened or intimidated, the behavior could be considered workplace violence.

Workplace Bullying: A Survivor’s Guide

Studies show that 75% of employees report being the target of workplace bullying. Here’s what you need to know to recognize and stop this common problem.

2020 Webinar Preview: Your EAP Promotional Calendar Coming Soon

FEI provides monthly webinars on a variety of EAP and Work-Life topics to promote mental health and well-being in the workplace. Check out our upcoming topics for 2020.